A first attempt at an academic poster....
1. Tetley, C. L. & O’Hara, S. J. Ratings of animal personality as a tool for improving the breeding, management and welfare of zoo mammals. Animal Welfare (2012). doi:10.7120/09627286.21.4.463
2. Watters, J. V. & Powell, D. M. Measuring Animal Personality for Use in Population Management in Zoos: Suggested Methods and Rationale. Zoo Biol. (2012). doi:10.1002/zoo.20379
3. Baker, K. R., G Lea, S. E. & Melfi, V. A. Comparative Personality Assessment of Three Captive Primate Species: Macaca nigra, Macaca sylvanus, and Saimiri sciureus. 36, 625–646 (2015).
4. Konečná, M., Weiss, A., Lhota, S. & Wallner, B. Personality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): Temporal stability and social rank. J. Res. Pers. 46, 581–590 (2012).
5. King, J. E. & Figueredo, A. J. The Five-Factor Model plus Dominance in Chimpanzee Personality. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY 31, (1997).
6. Highfill, L. E. & Kuczaj II, S. A. Do Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Have Distinct and Stable Personalities? Aquat. Mamm. (2007). doi:10.1578/AM.33.3.2007.380
7. Gartner, M. C. & Weiss, A. Personality in felids: A review. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 144, 1–13 (2013).
8. Úbeda, Y., Ortín, S., St. Leger, J., Llorente, M. & Almunia, J. Personality in Captive Killer Whales (Orcinus orca): A Rating Approach Based on the Five-Factor Model. J. Comp. Psychol. November 1, 1–11 (2018).
9. Pastorino, G. Q. et al. Behavioural Profiles of Brown and Sloth Bears in Captivity. Animals 7, 39 (2017).
10. Weiss, A. et al. Personality in bonobos. Psychol. Sci. 26, 1430–1439 (2015).
11. Coutant, T., Bagur, S. & Gilbert, C. Development of an observational quantitative temperament test in three common parrot species. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 202, 100–111 (2018).
12. Polgár, Z., Wood, L. & Haskell, M. J. Individual differences in zoo-housed squirrel monkeys’ (Saimiri sciureus) reactions to visitors, research participation, and personality ratings. Am. J. Primatol. (2017). doi:10.1002/ajp.22639
13. Coleman, K. Individual differences in temperament and behavioral management practices for nonhuman primates. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 137, 106–113 (2011).
14. Hall, B. A., Melfi, V., Burns, A., McGill, D. M. & Doyle, R. E. Curious creatures: a multi-taxa investigation of responses to novelty in a zoo environment. PeerJ 6, e4454 (2018).
15. Gartner, M. C. & Powell, D. M. Personality assessment in snow leopards (Uncia uncia). Zoo Biol. 31, 151–165 (2012).
16. Seltmann, M. W., Helle, S., Adams, M. J., Mar, K. U. & Lahdenperä, M. Evaluating the personality structure of semi-captive asian elephants living in their natural habitat. R. Soc. Open Sci. (2018). doi:10.1098/rsos.172026
17. Yasui, S. et al. Personality Assessment and Its Association With Genetic Factors in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Zoo Biol. (2013). doi:10.1002/zoo.21045
18. Torgerson-White, L. L. & Bennett, C. Rating Methodology, Personality Axes, and Behavioral Plasticity: A Case Study in African Lions. Anim. Behav. Cogn. (2014). doi:10.12966/abc.08.02.2014
19. BIAZA. Members - BIAZA. British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (2019). Available at: https://biaza.org.uk/members/all. (Accessed: 2nd March 2019)
20. Conservation - EAZA. (2018). Available at: https://www.eaza.net/conservation/. (Accessed: 4th April 2019)
21. About WAZA - WAZA. https://www.waza.org/ (2019). Available at: https://www.waza.org/about-waza/. (Accessed: 4th April 2019)
22. Species360. ZIMS for husbandry. (2019). Available at: https://www.species360.org/products-services/zims-for-husbandry/. (Accessed: 19th November 2019)
23. Species360. ZIMS for Studbooks. (2019). Available at: https://www.species360.org/products-services/zims-for-studbooks/. (Accessed: 19th November 2019)
24. Uher, J. & Asendorpf, J. B. Personality assessment in the Great Apes: Comparing ecologically valid behavior measures, behavior ratings, and adjective ratings. J. Res. Pers. 42, 821–838 (2008).
25. Garai, C., Weiss, A., Arnaud, C. & Furuichi, T. Personality in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus). Am. J. Primatol. (2016). doi:10.1002/ajp.22573
26. Carter, A. J., Marshall, H. H., Heinsohn, R. & Cowlishaw, G. Evaluating animal personalities: do observer assessments and experimental tests measure the same thing? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 66, 153–160 (2012).
27. Morton, F. B., Lee, P. C. & Buchanan-Smith, H. M. Taking personality selection bias seriously in animal cognition research: a case study in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella). Anim. Cogn. 16, 677–684 (2013).
28. Highfill, L., Hanbury, D., Kristiansen, R., Kuczaj, S. & Watson, S. Rating vs. coding in animal personality research. Zoo Biol. (2010). doi:10.1002/zoo.20279
29. Twiss, S. D., Cairns, C., Culloch, R. M., Richards, S. A. & Pomeroy, P. P. Variation in Female Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus) Reproductive Performance Correlates to Proactive-Reactive Behavioural Types. PLoS One 7, 49598 (2012).
30. Pastorino, G., Paini, F., Williams, C., Faustini, M. & Mazzola, S. Personality and Sociality in Captive Tigers (Panthera tigris). Annu. Res. Rev. Biol. (2017). doi:10.9734/ARRB/2017/38122
31. Coelho, C. M., Schetini de Azevedo, C. & Young, R. J. Behavioral responses of maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus, Canidae) to different categories of environmental enrichment stimuli and their implications for successful reintroduction. Zoo Biol. (2012). doi:10.1002/zoo.20410
32. Gosling, S. D. Personality Dimensions in Spotted Hyenas (Crocuta crocutd). Journal of Comparative Psychology 112, (Watson & Ward, 1998).
33. Carlstead, K., Mellen, J. & Kleiman, D. G. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in U.S. zoos: I. Individual behavior profiles and their relationship to breeding success. Zoo Biol. (1999). doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1999)18:1<17::AID-ZOO4>3.0.CO;2-K
34. Bergvall, U. A., Schäpers, A., Kjellander, P. & Weiss, A. Personality and foraging decisions in fallow deer, Dama dama. Anim. Behav. 81, 101–112 (2011).
35. Sinn, D. L., Cawthen, L., Jones, S. M., Pukk, C. & Jones, M. E. Boldness towards novelty and translocation success in captive-raised, orphaned Tasmanian devils. Zoo Biol. (2013). doi:10.1002/zoo.21108
36. Stöwe, M. et al. Novel object exploration in ravens (Corvus corax): Effects of social relationships. Behav. Processes 73, 68–75 (2006).
37. Schuett, W., Dall, S. R. X. & Royle, N. J. Pairs of zebra finches with similar ‘personalities’ make better parents. (2011). doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2010.12.006
38. Morgan, D., Auclair, Y. & Cézilly, F. Personality predicts social dominance in female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, in a feeding context. Anim. Behav. 81, 219–224 (2011).
39. Lucon-Xiccato, T. & Bisazza, A. Individual differences in cognition among teleost fishes. Behav. Processes 141, 184–195 (2017).
40. Blaszczyk, M. B. Boldness towards novel objects predicts predator inspection in wild vervet monkeys. Anim. Behav. 123, 91–100 (2017).
41. Lehmkuhl Noer, C. et al. Personality matters: Consistency of inter-individual variation in shyness-boldness across non-breeding and pre-breeding season despite a fall in general shyness levels in farmed American mink (Neovison vison). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 181, 191–199 (2016).
42. Petelle, M. B., Martin, J. G. A. & Blumstein, D. T. Heritability and genetic correlations of personality traits in a wild population of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). J. Evol. Biol. (2015). doi:10.1111/jeb.12700
43. Hopper, L. M., Cronin, K. A. & Ross, S. R. A multi-institutional assessment of a short-form personality questionnaire for use with macaques. Zoo Biol. (2018). doi:10.1002/zoo.21439
44. Grand, A. P., Kuhar, C. W., Leighty, K. A., Bettinger, T. L. & Laudenslager, M. L. Using personality ratings and cortisol to characterize individual differences in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 142, 69–75 (2012).
45. Napolitano, F. et al. The qualitative assessment of responsiveness to environmental challenge in horses and ponies. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 109, 342–354 (2008).
46. Walker, J. K., Dale, A. R., D’eath, R. B. & Oise Wemelsfelder, F. Qualitative Behaviour Assessment of dogs in the shelter and home environment and relationship with quantitative behaviour assessment and physiological responses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 184, 97–108 (2016).
47. Schaefer, S. A. & Steklis, H. D. Personality and subjective well-being in captive male western lowland gorillas living in bachelor groups. Am. J. Primatol. 76, 879–889 (2014).
48. Gartner, M. C. & Weiss, A. Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris grampia) personality and subjective well-being: Implications for captive management. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 147, 261–267 (2013).
49. Stoinski, T. S., Jaicks, H. F. & Drayton, L. A. Visitor Effects on the Behavior of Captive Western Lowland Gorillas: The Importance of Individual Differences in Examining Welfare. Zoo Biol. 31, 586–599 (2012).
50. Quadros, S., Goulart, V. D. L. L., Passos, L., Vecci, M. A. M. M. & Young, R. J. Zoo visitor effect on mammal behaviour: Does noise matter? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 156, 78–84 (2014).
51. Sherwen, S. L. et al. Effects of visual contact with zoo visitors on black-capped capuchin welfare. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 167, 65–73 (2015).
52. Bonaparte-Saller, M. & Mench, J. A. Assessing the dyadic social relationships of female african (Loxodonta africana) and asian (Elephas maximus) zoo elephants using proximity, tactile contact, and keeper surveys. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 199, 45–51 (2018).
53. Weinstein, T. A. R. & Capitanio, J. P. Individual differences in infant temperament predict social relationships of yearling rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta. Anim. Behav. 76, 455–465 (2008).
54. Herrelko, E. S., Vick, S. J. & Buchanan-Smith, H. M. Cognitive Research in Zoo-Housed Chimpanzees: Influence of Personality and Impact on Welfare. Am. J. Primatol. (2012). doi:10.1002/ajp.22036
55. Carlstead, K., Fraser, J., Bennett, C. & Kleiman, D. G. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in U.S. Zoos: II. Behavior, breeding success, and mortality in relation to housing facilities. Zoo Biol. (1999). doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1999)18:1<35::AID-ZOO5>3.0.CO;2-L
56. Martin-Wintle, M. S. et al. Do opposites attract? Effects of personality matching in breeding pairs of captive giant pandas on reproductive success-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Biol. Conserv. 207, 27–37 (2017).
57. Azevedo, C. S. & Young, R. J. Shyness and boldness in greater rheas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae): the effects of antipredator training on the personality of the birds. Rev. Bras. Zool. 23, 202–210 (2006).
58. Kuhar, C. W., Stoinski, T. S., Lukas, K. E. & Maple, T. L. Gorilla Behavior Index revisited: Age, housing and behavior. (2005). doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2005.06.004
59. Uher, J. Comparative personality research: methodological approaches. Eur. J. Pers. 22, 427–455 (2008).
60. Phillips, C. & Peck, D. The effects of personality of keepers and tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) on their behaviour in an interactive zoo exhibit. (2007). doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2007.01.007
61. Boyle, G., Saklofske D, Matthews G & (Eds). Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. (Elsevier Science & Technology, 2014).
62. Kyllonen, P. & Kell, H. Ability Tests Measure Personality, Personality Tests Measure Ability: Disentangling Construct and Method in Evaluating the Relationship between Personality and Ability. J. Intell. 6, 32 (2018).
63. Boyce, C. J., Wood, A. M. & Powdthavee, N. Is Personality Fixed? Personality Changes as Much as ‘Variable’ Economic Factors and More Strongly Predicts Changes to Life Satisfaction. Soc. Indic. Res. 111, 287–305 (2013).
64. Yeager, D. et al. Supplemental Material for The Far-Reaching Effects of Believing People Can Change: Implicit Theories of Personality Shape Stress, Health, and Achievement During Adolescence. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 106, 867–884 (2014).
65. Trut, L. N., Plyusnina, I. Z. & Oskina, I. N. An experiment on fox domestication and debatable issues of evolution of the dog. Russian Journal of Genetics 40, 644–655 (2004).
1. Tetley, C. L. & O’Hara, S. J. Ratings of animal personality as a tool for improving the breeding, management and welfare of zoo mammals. Animal Welfare (2012). doi:10.7120/09627286.21.4.463
2. Watters, J. V. & Powell, D. M. Measuring Animal Personality for Use in Population Management in Zoos: Suggested Methods and Rationale. Zoo Biol. (2012). doi:10.1002/zoo.20379
3. Baker, K. R., G Lea, S. E. & Melfi, V. A. Comparative Personality Assessment of Three Captive Primate Species: Macaca nigra, Macaca sylvanus, and Saimiri sciureus. 36, 625–646 (2015).
4. Konečná, M., Weiss, A., Lhota, S. & Wallner, B. Personality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): Temporal stability and social rank. J. Res. Pers. 46, 581–590 (2012).
5. King, J. E. & Figueredo, A. J. The Five-Factor Model plus Dominance in Chimpanzee Personality. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY 31, (1997).
6. Highfill, L. E. & Kuczaj II, S. A. Do Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Have Distinct and Stable Personalities? Aquat. Mamm. (2007). doi:10.1578/AM.33.3.2007.380
7. Gartner, M. C. & Weiss, A. Personality in felids: A review. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 144, 1–13 (2013).
8. Úbeda, Y., Ortín, S., St. Leger, J., Llorente, M. & Almunia, J. Personality in Captive Killer Whales (Orcinus orca): A Rating Approach Based on the Five-Factor Model. J. Comp. Psychol. November 1, 1–11 (2018).
9. Pastorino, G. Q. et al. Behavioural Profiles of Brown and Sloth Bears in Captivity. Animals 7, 39 (2017).
10. Weiss, A. et al. Personality in bonobos. Psychol. Sci. 26, 1430–1439 (2015).
11. Coutant, T., Bagur, S. & Gilbert, C. Development of an observational quantitative temperament test in three common parrot species. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 202, 100–111 (2018).
12. Polgár, Z., Wood, L. & Haskell, M. J. Individual differences in zoo-housed squirrel monkeys’ (Saimiri sciureus) reactions to visitors, research participation, and personality ratings. Am. J. Primatol. (2017). doi:10.1002/ajp.22639
13. Coleman, K. Individual differences in temperament and behavioral management practices for nonhuman primates. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 137, 106–113 (2011).
14. Hall, B. A., Melfi, V., Burns, A., McGill, D. M. & Doyle, R. E. Curious creatures: a multi-taxa investigation of responses to novelty in a zoo environment. PeerJ 6, e4454 (2018).
15. Gartner, M. C. & Powell, D. M. Personality assessment in snow leopards (Uncia uncia). Zoo Biol. 31, 151–165 (2012).
16. Seltmann, M. W., Helle, S., Adams, M. J., Mar, K. U. & Lahdenperä, M. Evaluating the personality structure of semi-captive asian elephants living in their natural habitat. R. Soc. Open Sci. (2018). doi:10.1098/rsos.172026
17. Yasui, S. et al. Personality Assessment and Its Association With Genetic Factors in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Zoo Biol. (2013). doi:10.1002/zoo.21045
18. Torgerson-White, L. L. & Bennett, C. Rating Methodology, Personality Axes, and Behavioral Plasticity: A Case Study in African Lions. Anim. Behav. Cogn. (2014). doi:10.12966/abc.08.02.2014
19. BIAZA. Members - BIAZA. British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (2019). Available at: https://biaza.org.uk/members/all. (Accessed: 2nd March 2019)
20. Conservation - EAZA. (2018). Available at: https://www.eaza.net/conservation/. (Accessed: 4th April 2019)
21. About WAZA - WAZA. https://www.waza.org/ (2019). Available at: https://www.waza.org/about-waza/. (Accessed: 4th April 2019)
22. Species360. ZIMS for husbandry. (2019). Available at: https://www.species360.org/products-services/zims-for-husbandry/. (Accessed: 19th November 2019)
23. Species360. ZIMS for Studbooks. (2019). Available at: https://www.species360.org/products-services/zims-for-studbooks/. (Accessed: 19th November 2019)
24. Uher, J. & Asendorpf, J. B. Personality assessment in the Great Apes: Comparing ecologically valid behavior measures, behavior ratings, and adjective ratings. J. Res. Pers. 42, 821–838 (2008).
25. Garai, C., Weiss, A., Arnaud, C. & Furuichi, T. Personality in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus). Am. J. Primatol. (2016). doi:10.1002/ajp.22573
26. Carter, A. J., Marshall, H. H., Heinsohn, R. & Cowlishaw, G. Evaluating animal personalities: do observer assessments and experimental tests measure the same thing? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 66, 153–160 (2012).
27. Morton, F. B., Lee, P. C. & Buchanan-Smith, H. M. Taking personality selection bias seriously in animal cognition research: a case study in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella). Anim. Cogn. 16, 677–684 (2013).
28. Highfill, L., Hanbury, D., Kristiansen, R., Kuczaj, S. & Watson, S. Rating vs. coding in animal personality research. Zoo Biol. (2010). doi:10.1002/zoo.20279
29. Twiss, S. D., Cairns, C., Culloch, R. M., Richards, S. A. & Pomeroy, P. P. Variation in Female Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus) Reproductive Performance Correlates to Proactive-Reactive Behavioural Types. PLoS One 7, 49598 (2012).
30. Pastorino, G., Paini, F., Williams, C., Faustini, M. & Mazzola, S. Personality and Sociality in Captive Tigers (Panthera tigris). Annu. Res. Rev. Biol. (2017). doi:10.9734/ARRB/2017/38122
31. Coelho, C. M., Schetini de Azevedo, C. & Young, R. J. Behavioral responses of maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus, Canidae) to different categories of environmental enrichment stimuli and their implications for successful reintroduction. Zoo Biol. (2012). doi:10.1002/zoo.20410
32. Gosling, S. D. Personality Dimensions in Spotted Hyenas (Crocuta crocutd). Journal of Comparative Psychology 112, (Watson & Ward, 1998).
33. Carlstead, K., Mellen, J. & Kleiman, D. G. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in U.S. zoos: I. Individual behavior profiles and their relationship to breeding success. Zoo Biol. (1999). doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1999)18:1<17::AID-ZOO4>3.0.CO;2-K
34. Bergvall, U. A., Schäpers, A., Kjellander, P. & Weiss, A. Personality and foraging decisions in fallow deer, Dama dama. Anim. Behav. 81, 101–112 (2011).
35. Sinn, D. L., Cawthen, L., Jones, S. M., Pukk, C. & Jones, M. E. Boldness towards novelty and translocation success in captive-raised, orphaned Tasmanian devils. Zoo Biol. (2013). doi:10.1002/zoo.21108
36. Stöwe, M. et al. Novel object exploration in ravens (Corvus corax): Effects of social relationships. Behav. Processes 73, 68–75 (2006).
37. Schuett, W., Dall, S. R. X. & Royle, N. J. Pairs of zebra finches with similar ‘personalities’ make better parents. (2011). doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2010.12.006
38. Morgan, D., Auclair, Y. & Cézilly, F. Personality predicts social dominance in female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, in a feeding context. Anim. Behav. 81, 219–224 (2011).
39. Lucon-Xiccato, T. & Bisazza, A. Individual differences in cognition among teleost fishes. Behav. Processes 141, 184–195 (2017).
40. Blaszczyk, M. B. Boldness towards novel objects predicts predator inspection in wild vervet monkeys. Anim. Behav. 123, 91–100 (2017).
41. Lehmkuhl Noer, C. et al. Personality matters: Consistency of inter-individual variation in shyness-boldness across non-breeding and pre-breeding season despite a fall in general shyness levels in farmed American mink (Neovison vison). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 181, 191–199 (2016).
42. Petelle, M. B., Martin, J. G. A. & Blumstein, D. T. Heritability and genetic correlations of personality traits in a wild population of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). J. Evol. Biol. (2015). doi:10.1111/jeb.12700
43. Hopper, L. M., Cronin, K. A. & Ross, S. R. A multi-institutional assessment of a short-form personality questionnaire for use with macaques. Zoo Biol. (2018). doi:10.1002/zoo.21439
44. Grand, A. P., Kuhar, C. W., Leighty, K. A., Bettinger, T. L. & Laudenslager, M. L. Using personality ratings and cortisol to characterize individual differences in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 142, 69–75 (2012).
45. Napolitano, F. et al. The qualitative assessment of responsiveness to environmental challenge in horses and ponies. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 109, 342–354 (2008).
46. Walker, J. K., Dale, A. R., D’eath, R. B. & Oise Wemelsfelder, F. Qualitative Behaviour Assessment of dogs in the shelter and home environment and relationship with quantitative behaviour assessment and physiological responses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 184, 97–108 (2016).
47. Schaefer, S. A. & Steklis, H. D. Personality and subjective well-being in captive male western lowland gorillas living in bachelor groups. Am. J. Primatol. 76, 879–889 (2014).
48. Gartner, M. C. & Weiss, A. Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris grampia) personality and subjective well-being: Implications for captive management. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 147, 261–267 (2013).
49. Stoinski, T. S., Jaicks, H. F. & Drayton, L. A. Visitor Effects on the Behavior of Captive Western Lowland Gorillas: The Importance of Individual Differences in Examining Welfare. Zoo Biol. 31, 586–599 (2012).
50. Quadros, S., Goulart, V. D. L. L., Passos, L., Vecci, M. A. M. M. & Young, R. J. Zoo visitor effect on mammal behaviour: Does noise matter? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 156, 78–84 (2014).
51. Sherwen, S. L. et al. Effects of visual contact with zoo visitors on black-capped capuchin welfare. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 167, 65–73 (2015).
52. Bonaparte-Saller, M. & Mench, J. A. Assessing the dyadic social relationships of female african (Loxodonta africana) and asian (Elephas maximus) zoo elephants using proximity, tactile contact, and keeper surveys. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 199, 45–51 (2018).
53. Weinstein, T. A. R. & Capitanio, J. P. Individual differences in infant temperament predict social relationships of yearling rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta. Anim. Behav. 76, 455–465 (2008).
54. Herrelko, E. S., Vick, S. J. & Buchanan-Smith, H. M. Cognitive Research in Zoo-Housed Chimpanzees: Influence of Personality and Impact on Welfare. Am. J. Primatol. (2012). doi:10.1002/ajp.22036
55. Carlstead, K., Fraser, J., Bennett, C. & Kleiman, D. G. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in U.S. Zoos: II. Behavior, breeding success, and mortality in relation to housing facilities. Zoo Biol. (1999). doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1999)18:1<35::AID-ZOO5>3.0.CO;2-L
56. Martin-Wintle, M. S. et al. Do opposites attract? Effects of personality matching in breeding pairs of captive giant pandas on reproductive success-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Biol. Conserv. 207, 27–37 (2017).
57. Azevedo, C. S. & Young, R. J. Shyness and boldness in greater rheas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae): the effects of antipredator training on the personality of the birds. Rev. Bras. Zool. 23, 202–210 (2006).
58. Kuhar, C. W., Stoinski, T. S., Lukas, K. E. & Maple, T. L. Gorilla Behavior Index revisited: Age, housing and behavior. (2005). doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2005.06.004
59. Uher, J. Comparative personality research: methodological approaches. Eur. J. Pers. 22, 427–455 (2008).
60. Phillips, C. & Peck, D. The effects of personality of keepers and tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) on their behaviour in an interactive zoo exhibit. (2007). doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2007.01.007
61. Boyle, G., Saklofske D, Matthews G & (Eds). Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. (Elsevier Science & Technology, 2014).
62. Kyllonen, P. & Kell, H. Ability Tests Measure Personality, Personality Tests Measure Ability: Disentangling Construct and Method in Evaluating the Relationship between Personality and Ability. J. Intell. 6, 32 (2018).
63. Boyce, C. J., Wood, A. M. & Powdthavee, N. Is Personality Fixed? Personality Changes as Much as ‘Variable’ Economic Factors and More Strongly Predicts Changes to Life Satisfaction. Soc. Indic. Res. 111, 287–305 (2013).
64. Yeager, D. et al. Supplemental Material for The Far-Reaching Effects of Believing People Can Change: Implicit Theories of Personality Shape Stress, Health, and Achievement During Adolescence. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 106, 867–884 (2014).
65. Trut, L. N., Plyusnina, I. Z. & Oskina, I. N. An experiment on fox domestication and debatable issues of evolution of the dog. Russian Journal of Genetics 40, 644–655 (2004).